RPM bumper mounts for the Traxxas Summit are designed to absorb serious impacts while transferring minimal impact energy into the more fragile components of the truck.
RPM engineers utilized the same design improvements that make our Revo bumper mounts so strong and incorporated them into our Summit bumper mounts to add some much needed strength and durability to this highly capable truck. Both the front and rear RPM bumper mounts were widened (the front more so than the rear) to allow the bumper mount material more flexing room. We also curved the center connecting rib to allow the bulkhead mounting points the ability to rotate at the mounting screws, allowing more impact absorption and less energy transference. Our last major design improvement is the one everyone is most familiar with – RPM custom-blended nylon! Our material is the toughest stuff out there with just the perfect blend of rigidity, flexibility, durability and memory.