The new Coleman Audio QS8 takes control room management to the next level. In a tracking session it eliminates the latency issue and gives you cue mixing capabilities to satisfy the most demanding artist. Of course you need talkback so you can tell them to do it again. When it's time to mix the QS8 becomes an analogue summing box with 4 stereo inputs summing to a balanced stereo output you can recorded back to your DAW for the mix track. When you want to listen back it's a passive signal path with a stepped attenuator no noise, no coloration, just your program. It's everything you need.
- Control room monitors:
- 2 stereo input sources or the MIX position (summing)
- Stepped attenuator passive signal path
- Alternate speakers (2 sets or speaker outputs)
- Talkback
- Mic & level control with a remote switching jack on back panel
- Cue mix section
- Stereo Cue input with level control (select control room signal or cue mix in on back panel)
- Stereo or mono Aux 3 input with level control (split mic pre amp output one side to DAW one side in Aux 3 no latency plus a more me knob)
- Master Cue level control feeds cue output
- Analogue Summing box
- 4 stereo inputs sum together (Aux1, Aux2, Aux3 & cue input) to a stereo pair of XLR outputs that can be recorded on the DAW